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Introducing the Age Friendly Clare Digital Nursing Home Initiative

23 March 2021

The Age Friendly Clare ‘Digital Nursing Home Initiative’ has been launched with the aim of keeping residents in our 16 nursing homes connected, using technology to bring the outside in.

Each nursing home will receive an Amazon Echo Dot and an accompanying tablet. These devices empower residents to stay connected, which is vitally important, especially during these unprecedented times. They are a vehicle to ensure residents can video-call their loved ones, participate in online activities and quizzes, listen to local radio and music, and access the range of eBooks available from our own Clare Library.

Cllr Mary Howard, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, said: “I am delighted to see our nursing-home residents receiving this support. They are wonderful people who have missed their loved ones terribly throughout this pandemic. I hope these devices bring some joy back into their lives.”

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council, and Chair of the Clare Age Friendly Alliance, said: “First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful staff caring for our nursing-home residents. You have been on the front line protecting our most vulnerable and, for this, I thank you.

“Clare County Council is delighted to have the opportunity to provide some digital supports to all of our 16 nursing homes in Clare. It is initiatives like this that create new ways of participating in activities and events, that match our residents’ needs, abilities and interests.”

Karen Fennessy, Age Friendly Clare Development Officer, said: “I would like to acknowledge the HSE and Age Friendly Ireland, who provided us with the funding support to buy these devices for all of our Clare nursing homes. We hope it will provide all kinds of opportunities for residents to connect with loved ones, as well as provide endless possibilities for information and entertainment through the ‘Alexa’ devices.

“It has been our goal during this pandemic to get as many older people as possible digitally connected to combat social isolation, so I see this as a big step towards that.”

Veronica Callinan, Quality and Resource Officer for Carrigoran House nursing home, said: “On behalf of the residents, staff and management of Carrigoran House nursing home we would sincerely like to thank the Clare Age Friendly programme for their donation of a new tablet and Amazon Echo Dot device. Their donation has opened up yet another world of exploration, music, fun and excitement for our residents and we cannot wait to get started.”

Clare County Council is committed to the Age Friendly Strategy and ensuring that as many of our older people as possible, in Clare, have access to the digital communication tools they need. For anyone who would like to find out more about the Clare Age Friendly Strategy please visit or email

The Age Friendly Clare Digital Nursing Home Initiative is supported by Age Friendly Ireland and the HSE.


Karen Fennessy, Age Friendly Clare Coordinator, presenting one of the digital nursing home packs, funded by the HSE and Age Friendly Ireland, to Carrigoran House nursing home staff, Quality and Resource Officer Veronica Callinan and CEO Marie O’Malley.

Page last reviewed: 19/03/21

Content managed by: Rural and Community

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